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ESSA Newsletter | ESSA releases new reports tailored to the needs of the European Software Sector

ISSUE: May 2024


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We are excited to share our latest collection of resources, packed with valuable insights and ideas that can enhance your learning programs, support work-based learning initiatives, and address mobility aspects. Whether you are developing new curricula or looking to implement the ESSA Learning Programmes, our resources can serve as a source of inspiration and practical guidance.

Check out all resources from ESSA

ESSA Learning Programmes & Materials: This report presents the educational activities designed by the European Software Skills Alliance for skilling, up-skilling and re-skilling students and professionals into in-demand software roles.

ESSA Train the Trainer Programme & Materials: The ESSA “Train the Trainer Programme” provides teachers, educators and trainers working in formal and non-formal learning contexts with the information necessary to implement the ESSA Learning Programmes.

European Mobility Programme: This report provides evidence of collaborative efforts in addressing mobility aspects on various levels by the ESSA Alliance. It can serve as an example and inspiration for other European initiatives dealing with the topic of mobility in European professional competences and skills development.

Work-based Learning: This document can be adopted by trainers, teachers, education providers and the key actors of the sector to obtain content and information on the practices of employing work-based learning in different learning programmes for software roles at different EQF levels (4-7).

ESSA Learning Programmes Pilots: Implementation and Evaluation: This report outlines the pilot phase of the ESSA learning programmes in the eight partner countries on EQF levels 4, 5, 6 and 7 and highlights the structured implementation plan with accompanying monitoring and evaluation tools.

Other interesting reads…

Women in ICT: Still wishful thinking or finally becoming a reality?: The article by Chiara Longobardi (DIGITALEUROPE) and Wanda Saabeel (ICT Professionalism/ Eduserpro) explores the challenges faced by women in accessing and thriving in the ICT sector and highlights key initiatives that might drive the change.

Last week, the ESSA project partners gathered in Budapest to discuss the ongoing work, plans for the upcoming months, and strategies for sustaining our impact beyond the project’s lifetime.
💚A big thank you to our Hungarian hosts: Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsIVSZ – IT Association of Hungary, and Codecool. Your hospitality and support made this meeting a great success!

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