Decoding Europe’s Software Skills Strategy: Expert-Driven Highlights

On 26 September 2023, ESSA held a Focus Group meeting with 12 European experts with longstanding experience in the software services and education sectors.  The overall discussion was aligned with the European Year of Skills, focusing on skills development in light of the green and digital transitions. The results of the meeting will support the updating of the ESSA Software Skills Strategy for Europe. This highlight report provides a glimpse into an extensive work undertaken as part of the comprehensive strategy review process and update.


Main results

The figures below summarise the experts’ views on the future of roles, skills, and training in the software services domain and the technology and business trends that may influence the sector – in short, medium, and longer term.

Use of this report

The experts’ insights will be integrated into the yearly iterative development of the Software Skills Strategy, to give an accurate picture of the current and emerging software skills and roles needs.

European Expert Group meetings are a crucial part of the well-structured, stepwise approach of ESSA, which is illustrated below:

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