
Resource Centre

Case Study I Efficient corporate training with serious games

Pegneon develops and delivers serious games for corporate training like the “safety game” where lea…

Case Study I Glocalising high-quality, scalable training activities in tech

The NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) collaborates with universities and research laboratories…

Case Study I Revamping traditional ICT education with an agile SCRUM-based methodology

The University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU) is revamping ICT education with its “Open-ICT” bac…

Case Study I A gamified, real-world approach to learning programming

The Olympic Computer Club (Olimpijskie Koło Informatyczne – OKI) invites young polish people, aged…

Case Study I Digital certificates for the recognition of non-formal education

The University of Applied Science Utrecht joined the national Dutch pilot programme on Edubadges…

team of people talking

Case Study I An open education model for underserved students to be career-ready

P-TECH is a public education model, developed by IBM and educators. It provides high school and…