- The European Software Skills Alliance project Kicks Off
- Building National Capacity in Software Skills Development
- IT Professional Standards: the ESSA Use Case
- Skills for Software Professionals
- The first step towards a solid Software Skills Strategy
- The Top 4 Skills for Software Professionals
- ESSA Newsletter | What Software Skills and Profiles does Europe Really Need?
- Coding your future – The skills you need for a career in Software
- The Software Skills and Professionals You Need in Your Team
- e-CF legitimates ESSA work and Make it Understandable and Applicable
- 2021 Retrospective: The Good, the Bad, and the Merry
- ESSA Newsletter | 2021 Retrospective – The good, the bad, and the merry
- A Software Skills Strategy for Europe | Launch Event
- Launch of a Software Skills Strategy to bridge the software skills gap in Europe
- How to Answer the Shortage of Software Professionals with Education and Training
- ESSA Newsletter | Launch of a Software Skills Strategy to Bridge the Software Skills Gap in Europe
- Software Skills Strategy Launch: Read the Highlights
- Opinion | 5 Key Success Factors to consider when creating Digital Skills Initiatives
- ESSA Newsletter | 📺 Future-proof Software Skills in a Fast-Changing Industry
- Groundwork to Educate for Emerging Software Jobs
- Skill needs of the Software industry: can education and training keep up? I Virtual Event
- Expert views on how education and training can keep up with the market needs in digital skills
- ESSA Newsletter | Want to be part of the 🇪🇺 Software Skills Alliance?
- Opinion | What we can do to answer the shortage of software professionals in the EU
- ESSA Educational Profiles for Software Roles and How to Use Them
- ESSA Newsletter | New in! 👤 ESSA Educational Profiles for Software Roles
- New ESSA community wants to bring more software skills and professionals to the market.
- ESSA Newsletter | New in! 👤 ESSA Community opens to the world!
- Micro-Interview | Overcoming gender stereotypes in the ICT sector
- 2022 Retrospective: Step Up-skill & Re-skill
- ESSA releases new reports to design and develop learning programmes fit for the software services market needs
- How to Boost Software Professionals’ Soft Skills, concretely?
- ESSA Newsletter | New in! 👤3 new tools for learning providers to match software skills market needs
- ESSA deploys learning programmes for software up- and reskilling across Europe
- Year of Skills: Unlocking the potential of digital for people and companies
- The Future of Certification: Digital Badges and Micro-credentialing in practice
- Get started with ESSA: Tools for designing software professionals’ curricula and educational programmes
- ESSA Newsletter | New in! 👤ESSA learning programmes for software up- and reskilling across Europe in the Year of Skills
- Experts’ tips on using the ESSA tools for software educators & professionals
- #CareersInICT: Guillermo Martinez, DevOps
- #CareersInICT: Dr. Ing. Marco Bozzetti, IT Management & Consulting
- #SoftwareCareers: Software Engineering, App Development, DevOps
- ESSA Newsletter | New in! 👤Step up in your software career with ESSA
- European Software Skills Alliance: 2023 retrospective & the way forward
- 5 Compelling Reasons to Embark on a Software Career
- Tackling the Software Skills Gap with Lifelong Learning
- #CareersInICT: Miha Puželj, DevOps Engineer
- ESSA Newsletter | Tackling the software skills gap in Europe
- Women in ICT: Still wishful thinking or finally becoming a reality?
- ESSA Newsletter | ESSA releases new reports tailored to the needs of the European Software Sector
- ESSA Learning Programmes in Italy: Junior Developer
- ESSA Learning Programmes in The Netherlands: Cloud Development
- ESSA Newsletter | Join the European Software Skills Alliance
- Using Gamification in Software Skills Training
- ESSA Learning Programmes in Slovenia: DevOps Academy
- EXIN’s Associated Partner Profile: An Interview with Suzanne Galletly
- Codecool’s Experience with ESSA: Insights and Benefits
- ESSA Learning Programmes in Estonia: Web Application Developer Programme
- Digital Skills Summit
- ESSA Project Concludes, Empowering Europe’s Software Skills Future
- ESSA on the Digital Skills Summit 2024
- The ESSA project wraps up, boosting Europe’s software skills future
- New self-paced training courses available on ESSA Learn